Friday, 22 June 2007

Another course

This all happened so fast.
I am so excited. I am going on a course on Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and maybe Friday depending on the school situation in this crazy world (long story not fit for a jewellery blog).

I want to thank Penny for being so efficient and organising it you are a star.

Saturday, 09 June 2007

hollow heart

This is not what it started out as.
I am starting to think that copper has a mind of its own.

Sunday, 03 June 2007


I am really excited about these.

They are the first earrings I have made for myself as I only had my ears pierced 3 weeks ago.

It was really hard to make a bezzle for the little stones

I have a lot more respect for jewellers who work with tiny stones.

I may need to practice on the little ones as even these are a tad too heavy. Will I get used to it?